Schedule/Meeting Info
Anything is Possible has meetings 7 days a week!
Monday - Friday: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm (online AND in-person)
Saturday: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm (online only)
Sunday: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm (in-person only)
To join Anything is Possible remotely, please use any of the the below instructions - if you'd like to call into the meeting using any phone, use "Dial in":
Join Zoom Meeting
Dial in
(669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 229 464 399
Password: 622266
Chip meeting occurs on the first Sunday of each month (temporarily on hiatus during quarantine). The monthly all-group business meeting immediately follows the chip meeting.
Click here to see notes from past business meetings.
To request that a new item be added for the next business meeting, please email us at anythingispossiblesf@gmail.com!
To read our meeting's dog policy, please click here.
Meeting Times and Descriptions:
Sunday -- In Person
12:00 - Daily Reflections book study:
Read a short passage from the book Daily Reflections, followed by a discussion.
Sunday -- Zoom
1:00 pm - Big Book Study:
Read a chapter from Alcoholics Anonymous followed by discussion.
Monday -- In Person
5:00 pm - Living Sober Book Study & Discussion:
Living Sober is a book filled with short, practical tips on how to stay sober in a variety of common, difficult situations.
Monday -- Zoom
5:00 pm - Meditation/Grab Bag:
Join us for a 10 minute meditation, followed by a share from a volunteer AA member, chosen by drawing names from a basket, with a discussion afterwards.
Tuesday -- In Person
Meditation/Grab Bag:
Join us for a 10 minute meditation, followed by discussion afterwards.
Tuesday -- Zoom
5:00 pm - Living Sober Book Study & Discussion:
Living Sober is a book filled with short, practical tips on how to stay sober in a variety of common, difficult situations.
Wednesday -- In Person
Living Sober Book Study & Discussion:
Living Sober is a book filled with short, practical tips on how to stay sober in a variety of common, difficult situations.
Wednesday -- Zoom
5:00 pm - Meditation/Grab Bag:
Join us for a 10 minute meditation, with a discussion afterwards.
Thursday -- In Person
5:00 pm Big Book Study:
Read a chapter from Alcoholics Anonymous followed by discussion.
Thursday -- Zoom
5:00 pm - Speaker/Discussion:
Enjoy a 15-20 minute share from an AA member, followed by a discussion on a topic of the speaker's choice.
Friday -- In Person
5:00 pm - Step Study:
Read a step out of the book 12 Steps and 12 Traditions, followed by a discussion on that step. (Note: This meeting reads the tradition of the month on the 1st Friday.)
Friday -- Zoom
5:00 pm - Step Study:
Read a step out of the book 12 Steps and 12 Traditions, followed by a discussion on that step. (Note: This meeting reads the tradition of the month on the 1st Friday.)
Saturday -- In Person
1:00 pm - Daily Reflections Book Study:
Read a short passage from the book Daily Reflections, followed by a discussion.
All meetings have literature, including the books from the book studies, available at cost.
Upcoming Building Closures - 2021
We will not be having meetings AT THE TEMPLE on these day - Zoom meetings are unaffected by these closures.
Passover April 15 & 22
Memorial Day May 30
Shauvot June 6
Juneteenth June 20
July 4th Guess
September 5 Labor Day
Sept 26 Rosh Hashanah
October 5 Yom Kippur
October 10 Sukkot
Oct 16 Simchat Torah
Nov 11 Veterans Day
November 24 & 25 Thanksgiving
December 26 Christmas