IGR Reports
Below are the Intergroup meeting reports from our group representative. To see official agendas and minutes, click here.
Intergroup notes for December 2018:
Hello from the Unitarian Universalist Church where we have our Inter-Group Meeting of San Francisco and Marin Counties the first Wednesday of the month.
The financials look 'excellent' and Maury points out we have multiple groups which are good to learn about and join.
Upcoming, The archives Committee is meeting on December 16th from 12-2pm at Central Office 1821 Sacramento street San Francisco - Discover what was happening throughout the history of San Francisco. TeleService Training happens on December 17th at Central Office from 6-7pm. Be that voice on the other end of the line when someone calls.
Don't lose touch, The Gratitude Center - 1320 7th avenue - is welcoming all with their meeting-a-thons on Christmas Eve and Christmas day starting at 6am with the last meeting at 9:30pm each day.
The Mission Fellowship also has meetings both days starting at 4pm Christmas Eve with the last meeting 11:30 pm on Christmas night. This is at 2900 24th street at Florida in the Mission of course.
Same set up for New Year's eve and New Year's day at the same places. Don't be alone because the Great Spirit is with us always so go to a meeting, share the spirit and meet up with like-minded people. We are all striving for sobriety while walking in the grace of God. Break out of isolation, love your spirit, love one another.
Intergroup notes for November 2018:
Hello Anything is Possible Fellows.
We have our normal events listed below plus some new things listed first.
(Re) Introducing SF Bridging the Gap: Bridging the Gap in San Francisco is up and running again and we are looking for committee members. We want to share the message with alcoholics in jails and rehab centers. BTG will make every effort to pair them with another A.A. who will take them to their first meeting upon release. Help us make this service a reality in San Francisco. Held at Central Office (1821 Sacramento).
Hot Off the Press: Two new conference-approved pamphlets from A.A.W.S. have just arrived in our bookstore. The God Word is Experience, Strength and Hope from agnostic and atheist members in A.A. and A.A. for Alcoholics with Mental Health Issues - and Their Sponsors - includes stories from twelve members who are coping with serious mental health issues in sobriety. These two new pamphlets are an example of Bill W's. declaration that we "... always try to be inclusive rather than exclusive; let us remember that each alcoholic among us is a member of A.A., so long as he or she declares."
Future AASF events can be found here.
Intergroup notes for October 2018:
Summer, even our lovely San Francisco Summer is coming to an end. So the Public Information/ Cooperation with the Professional Community (PI/CPC) becomes more relevant with schools and universities now in full swing. Training for the PI/CPC is 6pm, November 12 at the Central Office, 1821 Sacramento Street, SF. Come on down and learn how to share the good news about AA to churches, schools and professionals like nurses, cops and doctors.
The Treasurer reports that budget is in excellent shape with more than 3 months expenses in reserve.
Like to write and be a part of an important publication? Be a part of The Point, our monthly AA publication. The Point Committee Meeting is on November Tenth, the second Saturday of the month at Central Office at 10am.
Hospitals and Institutions need volunteers to take meeting where people are confined. The H&I training is on the 3rd Saturday of the month, November 17 at 2900 24th street in the Mission District. It starts at 11am. Don’t be late because they don’t like to let folks in once the meeting starts.
We need phone volunteers at Central Office between ten and six. Come on down and say, “Hi, I am here to help with the phones…” Marcus is the man to welcome you. He coordinates the phone volunteers….a good guy.
If the free solo thing is more to your liking, Share the good news about AA as a TeleService Representive after-hours. They route phone calls to your phone when the office is closed so people who need to hear a positive voice can always have someone to talk to. The training is on the 3rd Monday of the Month at Central Office at 6pm.
Things are kind of crazy out there with some leaders acting like kids coming off a sugar high, so let’s be the change we want to see and share the good news of AA... recovery, unity and service.
Intergroup notes for September 2018:
By "Guest IGR" Rudy
John – Board Rep
• Around board retreat
o How to improve intergroup
o Outreach
§ Visit service committees
o Essential an ex committee w/ each member bring their our responsibility
o Drafting an elevator speech
Alex – Treasurer
• Under budget in July over in August
• On target
• Cash balance is for four months
• Do an orientation each month new members
Mari – Office Manager
• Trained four new volunteers
• Will doing their own orientation for new representatives
• Creating an inter-group orientation chart
John – Point
• Looking for a submission – 10 steps – 600 words
• Looking for a new editor
• Starting new description – his first issue
o Please give feedback
• Subscriptions will be phased out—all digital format
Trevor – Orientation
• Six new members
Taran – Tech Committee
• Saturday 9/26 & Unity Day – orientation for help chat
• Facebook Group for inter-group – look for Lois with you Lucy Wider group
Henry – Buzz
• Considering doing outreach at events like Outside lands and Burning Man
Michael – Fellowship Committee
• Looking for new chair – host Founders Day and manages volunteers for Unity Day
Karin – Archives Committee
• November we’re planning a presentation an history of Gay community in SFAA
Katherine – Marin Committee
• Saturday, October 20th – Unity Day
Jack – San Francisco General Service Committee
• Meeting - Saturday, October 15th at 11:30 am – Here
Andrew – PI/CPC Marin
• September 27th workshop
Patrick – Marin Teleservice
• September 23rd – 12 steps workshop
Intergroup notes for August 2018:
By "Guest IGR" Taran
Lots of discussion this month about the importance of service beyond the meeting-group level, and how to attract more involvement. Stories of personal impact work better than scripted announcements of details; one-on-one engagement works better than announcements in general.
H&I (Hospitals & Institutions) still has 70+ meetings not fully covered or not covered at all! Please help them by getting involved, and/or talking about it to others.
Finances and operations are good!
SF Unity Day is Saturday October 13th at Urban Life Center. This is a great opportunity to get familiar with many service opportunities at one time/place.
Intergroup notes for July 2018:
The money situation for the San Francisco/Marin Intergroup is ‘Excellent’- we have a surplus of more than three months of operating costs- though the donations for May are a bit below the yearly average. Operating expenses are stable.
We need Volunteers for Tele-service ‘The best service commitment you can do in your skivvies’ (Because no one can see you when you answer the phone). The calls are routed to your number for the time you sign up for and you can be anywhere yet still provide a valuable service. Kurt knows all about it. Training is on the 3rd Monday of each month at Central Office, 1821 Sacramento Street, S.F. @ 6pm.
H&I needs help…lots of meetings wanting for guys and gals like you and me. 75 spots are in need. You walk into jail/institution when you want, and walk out when you choose. Orientation on the 3rd Saturday of the Month at 24th Street and Florida at 11am. Don’t be late, because they shut the doors. This month, it is also on Thursday the 26th at Central Office, 6:30 pm.
Hey Meeting Secretaries, Register as a secretary on the aasf.org website and you will get alerts re changes etcetera. Kurt enforced my participation. I recommend doing it at your own pace.
If you are proud of aa and of what it can do and want to improve your speaking skills while showing how it helps makes us better gals and guys, Go to the PI/CPC meeting so you can REPRESENT. Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community -PI/CPC- tells professionals why and how aa is so dang good.
Finally, If you don’t like the news, GO OUT AND MAKE SOME OF YOUR OWN. (thanks Scoop Nisker)
Intergroup notes for May 2018:
Maury, our Central Office manager, is now the Executive Director, owing to the fact that she does a lot more than manage the office. Congrats Maury.
25% of our volunteer slots are open for phone positions at Central Office...come on down, drink coffee and talk... put talking/sharing energy towards this good service - 6 months sobriety required to volunteer for this.
April contributions are down for meeting collections and faithful fivers.
Teleservice, the after-hours service for people needing to talk, needs 4 coordinators. Orientation happens on the 3rd Monday of each month at central office - 1821 Sacramento street - at 6pm. Be a boss and help get the team together helping people.
PI/CPC - Our Public Information/Cooperation with the Professional Community is expanding. We will be going into the San Bruno jail (but we get to walk out, head held high!), schools and senior centers. This is good because spreading the message of hope and sanity is needed for all.
Founders Day is coming up on June 9th. Also called Smith & Wilson (for Dr. Bob and Bill), it will have food, games and (AA) Family Feud at the First Unitarian Universalist Center Church, 1187 Franklin Street in SF. $13 in advance, $15 at the door....lotta food, fun and positive energy.
The Inter-Group voted that only certified service animals are allowed at the inter-group meeting and at the Central Office on 1821 Sacramento. Leave furry and feathered friends at home. As always, each group makes their own rules for animals at their own meetings.
Historic fact, San Francisco's first AA Meeting was in 1939 at 51 Potomac by the park. We have been needing sanity for many years. Thank you AA!
Inter-Group Meeting Notes for April 2018:
The board elections for AASF are coming up in June
AA San Francisco is in ‘excellent’ financial shape - we have 5 months of operating revenue saved.
We have some volunteer positions open:
- Graphic Designer for ‘The Point’- the monthly on-line mag.
- H and I (www.handinorcal.org) needs people to bring meetings to institutionalized people. The site has history, but to volunteer, you must first to go to the orientation on April 21st (3rd Saturday of each month) at 2900 24th Street @ Florida st, starting at 11 AM sharp. More orientation details are at aasf.org. I know the way they share information is not smooth. I will attempt to find out more and come back with a smoother way.
- We also need Teleservice volunteers. Sit in the nice Central Office on Sacramento street by Van Ness for 2-3 hours, drink good (free) coffee and be of use. We also need the same thing after hours where the calls are routed to your phone for the shift.
Looks like some changes are coming to the meeting schedule book. Might go from the little stapled booklet to something folded. The change will keep it cheap (less than a buck, $2-$3 for small batches) and more importantly keep it accurate. Meetings change so much we need to re-issue it frequently to match the reality of change.
Founder’s Day is coming up on June 9th. Tickets are going to be around $13-$15. Volunteer positions exist for teams from meetings like ours. Greeting, food, set up and other elements. I have not gone yet so I just don’t know. More will be revealed.
Thanks for giving me a chance to be of service,
Intergroup Meeting Notes March 2018:
Our Intercounty Fellowship is in ‘excellent’ financial condition, which means that we have 5 months of operating costs on hand.
AA Central Office has 5 openings for phone volunteers. Check it out, it is a good commitment where you sit in a chair, enjoy Peets coffee, and answer calls from people who need to know about AA in San Francisco. The commitment mostly consists of looking up meetings, and answering questions, with occasional heartfelt conversations. One year continuous sobriety required.
The Technology Committee Report was interesting, as aasf.org has developed a chat function on the corner of the site so people can live chat with a volunteer from 9-5. It's not a replacement for talking, but it could be useful. Limited right now, but it looks like it will grow.
SF Public Information/ Cooperation with Professional Community (SF PI/CPC) communicates to share what alcoholism is and how recovery works to professionals, policy makers, nurses, first responders, etc. We need a Chairperson. To find out more, write picpc@aasf.org, or call Maury at Central Office.
Secretary? Sign in, and make yourself known for updates and support at aasf.org under ‘Service & Sponsorship’ on the ribbon on top of the page. Choose ‘Trusted Servant Registration’ from the drop down menu.
The Grapevine is doing "The Grapevine Challenge" with the intent to spread the news of lively recovery far and wide. We are not a glum lot!
On June 9th there will be a big picnic on the church grounds of the Unitarian Universalist Center - 1187 Gough. Good food, sack race, Family Feud style game centered around AA stuff. The picnic forecast shows a low likelihood of drunken dorks and high likelihood of fun. We are still not a glum lot.
Pick up ‘The Point’ monthly newsletter, or go to aasf.org to find out more.